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Solar Domestic Hot Water

Solar Domestic Hot Water (SDHW)

Solar Domestic Hot Water

with SPRING®

bandeau spring

hybrid solar panels

DualSun promotes energetic autonomy by helping buildings produce their own heat and electricity through solar energy. We believe in the potential of on-site energy production and consumption.

Our SPRING® panel offers a twofold advantage in this regard. The front panel generates photovoltaic electricity while the rear panel produces domestic hot water by means of a heat exchanger, thus providing with free hot water that has been sourced in an environmentally-friendly manner.

The heat produced by the rear side of the SPRING® panel heats up the water inside the hot water tank. The tank then stores the heat like a battery, using it to meet the building’s hot water needs throughout the entire duration of the day.
The electric output generated by the SPRING® panels is either consumed by the building itself or fed into the electric grid to be sold to the public network.

Solar water heating applications


Individual Solar Water Heater

Collective Solar Water Heater

Individual Solar Water Heater

Collective Solar Water Heater

How a Solar Water Heater Works


In the Individual Solar Water Heater and Collective Solar Water Heater configurations, the water is directly heated by the DualSun SPRING® panels while circulating in a closed loop between the panels themselves and a solar hot water tank that is generally located inside the building that the panels are installed upon. An intelligent controller triggers water circulation as soon as it detects enough sunlight to provide heat to the hot water tank.

When used as part of a Sanitary Hot Water system, the DualSun SPRING® panel produces twice the quantity of energy per m² as a simple photovoltaic panel!

An installation of SPRING® panels supplements the main domestic water heating system. When used less frequently, the lifespan of the conventional water heater increases while its consumption levels and associated energy bills decrease. 

domestic hot water 
for any building type

DualSun SPRING® panels are suitable for any building type with both hot water and electricity needs. They present an ideal solution that can be incorporated during renovation of old structures or building of new structures in order to comply with the new energy efficiency standards.

Single-family house

Logement collectif

Collective housing





old couple

Senior citizens‘ homes and retirement homes




Agricultural buildings




Educational institutions


Single-family house

Logement collectif

Collective housing





old couple

Senior citizens‘ homes and retirement homes




Agricultural buildings




Educational institutions

Discover DualSun’s Individual Solar Water Heater and Collective Solar Water Heater projects


620 DualSun panels for a energy-positive high school – Carquefou (FR)


A hybrid solar installation on a city-center apartment building– Marseille (FR)


300 sqm of DualSun panels at Bouygues headquarters – Paris area (FR)

620 DualSun panels for a energy-positive high school – Carquefou (FR)

Installation of hybrid solar panels for a campground (FR)

300 sqm of DualSun panels at Bouygues headquarters – Paris area (FR)


Hybrid solar installation to reduce home’s carbon footprint – Provence (FR)


Installation of hybrid solar panels for a campground (FR)


Installation of hybrid solar panels on a mountain chalet (FR)

Hybrid solar installation to reduce home’s carbon footprint – Provence (FR)

A hybrid solar installation on a city-center apartment building– Marseille (FR)

Installation of hybrid solar panels on a mountain chalet (FR)

DualSun panels can be paired with other devices to produce domestic hot water:

logo daikin
ECH2O Sun®

Multi-energy offer for an autonomous home

logo okofen
Smart XS-eDual®

100% renewable wood and solar co-generation


Coupling with water-to-water heat pumps

logo eklor
DualONE ®

Hot water tank with a lifetime guarantee

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