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8 DualSun hybrid solar panels to replace thermal panels – Gimel (CH)

8 DualSun hybrid solar panels to replace thermal panels – Gimel (CH)

We are in Gimel, a small Swiss commune in the canton of Vaud, located in the commune of Morges. On this beautiful house, 8 DualSun hybrid solar panels have been installed. The company Respect SARL took charge of the construction site in 2015.

The house was already equipped with 3 thermal solar panels installed many years before. The 8 DualSun hybrid solar panels replace them. They will produce more hot water and electricity in addition. This is the specificity of the DualSun hybrid solar panel: 1 single solar panel for all energies.

Solar technology is very robust. After years of operation, the thermal panels are still functional. Indeed, it is not uncommon to see solar panels working after 30 or even 40 years. In fact, the owner of the house has reinstalled them in another location.

On the verandah, a dozen additional photovoltaic solar panels are added to the installation.

On this installation, we can see that the hybrid solar panels are facing west. This allows them to benefit from a nice sunny afternoon.

The westerly orientation of the solar panels is not perfectly optimal, but it is possible. Moreover, it allows you to consume your solar production when you go home in the afternoon. This is an option that some clients choose, as was the case for the Arpont hut.

To find out more on this subject, read the article: which inclination and orientation of the solar panel to choose?

The installation has a large mixed storage tank to provide both heating and domestic hot water.

Technical Information

CharacteristicsDomestic hot water + heating
Number of solar panels8 DualSun Hybrid Panels
Power output2kWp + 2.99kWth
Roof installationroof integration, EASY ROOF system, west facing, 30° inclination
Photovoltaic systemMicro Inverters Enphase, self-consumption
Installation date

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