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12 hybrid panels for hot water and pool heating – South of France (FR)

12 hybrid panels for hot water and pool heating – South of France (FR)

Mr. Calvet is a passionate man.  When he was researching the best solar installation for his home, he was extremely thorough!

5 people live in this beautiful house situated in the south of France.  The one-floor house is surrounded by a large garden and swimming pool. The large surface of the roof is perfectly adapted for solar panels.  

For this doctorate in chemical engineering, choosing the 2 in 1 DualSun panel was a rigorous and stimulating conquest: “I find your solution incredible”, he expressed after discovering DualSun on the internet.  “If someone is interested in buying solar panels and optimizing the potential of solar energy, I don’t think there’s a better solution than DualSun.”

What motivated us to go solar was to reduce our carbon footprint in all aspects of the house.  We replaced all the windows with double-paned windows and installed a veranda on the south-facing side of the house to benefit from the sun’s energy in the winter.  We also insulated the walls and of course, installed DualSun solar panels. The installation was completed in 2 days and went really well. The esthetic element of the installation was important to us as well and we can not see any piping on the roof, and that is a point that pleased us as well.

Technical Information

CharacteristicsFamily of 5 people
Number of solar panels12 DualSun hybrid panels
Power output3kWp + 4,49kWth
Roof installationInroof mounting (EASY ROOF system)
Thermal system300L hot water tank with gas boiler booster
Photovoltaic systemEnphase micro-inverters, all electricity is sent to the grid and sold for a feed-in tariff
Installation date

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