Location,TX 75035,USA

Hybrid solar panels on a house in a village – French countryside (FR)

Hybrid solar panels on a house in a village – French countryside (FR)

Mr and Mme Carré have been working as dairy farmers for the past 30 years.  They live in a small village in the Pyrenées mountains with a spectacular view where they make artisanal cheeses and other dairy products. Working so close to nature, Mr and Mme Carré have always been aware of environmental issues and clean energy solutions.

In their neighborhood, many houses are already equipped with photovoltaic panels, and one year ago, Mr and Mme Carré decided to actively look for a solar solution for their home, and they chose DualSun.  The Carrés now have 13 solar panels (of which 6 DualSun) and they sell their electricity to EDF and use the hot water to clean their animal barn. An original example of using hot water produced by DualSun panels!

Technical Information

CharacteristicsFamily of 2 people
Number of solar panels6 DualSun hybrid panels + 7 photovoltaic panels
Power output3,25kWp + 2,24kWth
Roof installationInroof mounting, south-facing, 30° angle
Thermal system300L hot water tank
Photovoltaic systemAll electricity is sent to the grid and sold for a feed-in tariff
Installation date

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