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12 hybrid solar panels to heat a swimming pool – Var (FR)

12 hybrid solar panels to heat a swimming pool – Var (FR)

Mr. Bouyeure lives in La Londe les Maures in the Var. It was during the 2017 swimming pool show in Lyon that he became acquainted with the DualSun solar innovation. Convinced by the system, he wanted to take advantage of it personally to heat the pool in his home.

Thus, since 2018, 12 hybrid solar panels, both photovoltaic and thermal, have been heating the pool and producing the hot water and electricity needed by the family.

Mr. Bouyeure is the head of a small business specializing in pool construction and renovation. If Mr. Bouyeure switched to solar energy, it’s for the sake of economy, he tells us. As a pool specialist, he immediately saw how interesting the concept was. Indeed, DualSun allows him to heat his pool in a renewable way. Comfort and savings, a winning combination.

“The system has been installed for 1 year ½, it works well.” Mr. Bouyeure

Moreover, with solar energy, Mr. Bouyeure appreciates the concept of self-consumption. Here, self-consumption is total if he so desires. In fact, with DualSun you consume your own hot water, but also electricity. Even if he hadn’t yet made a decision between the option to resell to the network or the self-consumption option, the fact that he could do so was an asset for him.

This house is designed to be comfortable, and renewable! And in fact, nothing is left to chance in this beautiful house.

Bathed in the southern sun, this house is built on several floors. Large bay windows perfectly oriented towards the sun’s rays will naturally warm up the 90 m2 living room and kitchen. Higher up, a master suite, lower down other bedrooms, but also a gym, a cinema room or a hammam.

“I’ve seen different systems, but I didn’t really buy into them, DualSun seemed serious,” Mr. Bouyeure.

Technical Information

CharacteristicsHouse of 4 persons
Number of solar panels12 DualSun Hybrid Solar Panels
Power output 3,36kWc + 4,85kWth
Roof installationOn-roof, south facing, 30° slope
Thermal system500L balloon with electric booster
Photovoltaic systemMicro-inverters Enphase, total electricity sales
Installation date

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