Location,TX 75035,USA

House in Marseille (FR)

House in Marseille (FR)

Mr. Kahn is a young, dynamic and curious entrepreneur in the solar industry that we met at an event in 2010. He has known DualSun since the beginning and was one of our first customers. He was immediately very interested in our hybrid photovoltaic and thermal solar panel, and closely followed the project and its development. Mr. Kahn built his own house in which he lives today with his wife and daughter. It is located on a hill in Marseille with a magnificent view on the Calanques creeks.

o equip his house, Mr. Kahn wanted to implement the latest innovative eco-technologies. He chose to use our dual-energy solar panels to produce electricity (which is sold back to the grid) and hot water, which is used for the homes hot water needs (showers, washing machine,…). H has also invested in a wood stove that serves as a backup source for the hot water heating and general heating of the home. He loves to talk and share his latest technological discoveries.

A few years ago, he developed the Webdyn solar monitoring platform, and because of that he is especially interested by our monitoring system that we offer at DualSun. In the future, Mr. Kahn could actually also help us in further developing our monitoring system.

Technical Information

CharacteristicsFamily of 4 people
Number of solar panels6 DualSun hybrid panels + 5 photovoltaic panels
Power output2,75kWp + 2,24kWth
Roof installationInroof mounting (EASY ROOF), south-facing, 20° angle
Thermal system300L hot water tank with electric booster
Photovoltaic systemAll electricity is sent to the grid and sold for a feed-in tariff
Installation date

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