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Hybrid solar installation to reduce home’s carbon footprint – Provence (FR)

Hybrid solar installation to reduce home’s carbon footprint – Provence (FR)

Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Gavory’s house in the Var department in the South of France.  The Gavorys are the proud owners of a DualSun installation realized in October 2015, right after buying their house.  Solar is not new for this couple who had installed a 3kWp system on their previous house. Their previous solar installation was in fact a key point when selling their house, “the new owner was the director of the Port-Cros National Park, the solar installation was definitely an advantage for him”, explains Mr Gavory.

Mr. and Mrs. Gavory have been environmentally-conscious for a long time and aim always to reduce their carbon footprint in everything they do and buy.  In fact, when choosing to move to this new house that was over 30 years old, they wanted above all to renovate the energy equipment of the house.

“When we lived in Africa, we had a huge water tank that served as our drinking water and water for everything.  It was system D but intelligent. Every possibility of energy efficiency is important. Here we do not value water enough, nor the sun’s energy.  Solar energy should be the norm, it’s still too marginal.”

Why did you choose DualSun solar panels?

Mrs. Gavory found DualSun by surfing the web.  The hybrid technology “seemed really smart”. Moreover, the fact that the panels are French and that the company is local were also key arguments.

Technical Information

CharacteristicsFamily of 4 people
Number of solar panels6 DualSun hybrid panels
Power output1,5kWp + 2,24Wth
Roof installationOnroof mounting
Thermal system2 hot water tanks of which 1 300L solar tank with electric booster
Photovoltaic systemSelf-consumption, surplus electricity is sent to grid and sold for a feed-in tariff
Installation date

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