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The 1st pilot installation of DualSun hybrid solar panels in France (FR)

The 1st pilot installation of DualSun hybrid solar panels in France (FR)

The first pilot installation of the DualSun hybrid solar panel will take place in August 2013 in Roquebrune-sur-Argens (83). It is the house of the Martel family and has a roof of 20m². Immediately, the panels show efficiency. Mr and Mrs Martel and their 4 children are therefore very important at DualSun!

The choice to invest in our solar innovation has several reasons. Already the economic impact of such a solution. Indeed, with the increase in the price of electricity, obtaining a photovoltaic feed-in tariff for 20 years is a pledge of security. And then the fact of combining the production of two energies at the same time is also a very motivating reason.

Installation of the beta product

Thanks to its 13 DualSun panels, the owner now produces 60% of his hot water and all of his electricity since 2013.

Mr and Mrs Martel were initially considering the use of solar energy as an ecological approach. When they arrived in their new home, they already had in mind that their next investment would be in renewable energy. However, they did not have any firm ideas about what type of energy to choose. In the end it was solar energy that motivated them for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it offered an attractive return on their investment.

When their project began to take shape more clearly in the summer of 2011, they opted for the grid connection. The feed-in tariff was even more attractive than in 2019. However, if they had to start from scratch today, they would rather move towards photovoltaic self-consumption of electricity. This is because they feel a little frustrated about not using the energy they have produced. The fact that with DualSun they can self consume their thermal hot water produced by the panels partly consoles them.

Energy and economic advantage

Thanks to its high efficiency, the return on investment will be divided by 3 compared to a conventional solar thermal system.

On electricity, the DualSun produces up to 3600 kWh/year, i.e. 100% of the average annual consumption of a household (excluding heating). The feed-in tariff for photovoltaic energy will allow the user to balance his expenses.

On hot water, the DualSun provides up to 65% of the sanitary needs, which will lighten the individual’s bill and allow him to use the heat in other ways… by heating his swimming pool for example.


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Technical Information

CharacteristicsHouse of 6 people
Number of solar panels6 DualSun hybrid panels + 7 photovoltaic panels
Power output3,25kWc + 2,24kWth
Roof installationIn-Roof (EASYROOF system), south-facing, inclination 20°.
Thermal system300L water tank with gas boiler top-up
Photovoltaic systemTotal sale of electricity
Installation date

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