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Self-built, bioclimatic and energy-positive house in Vendée with 10 DualSun panels – St-Hilaire-de-Loulay (FR)

Self-built, bioclimatic and energy-positive house in Vendée with 10 DualSun panels – St-Hilaire-de-Loulay (FR)

Vincent and his wife are farmers in Vendée. Settled in this self-built house of 120 m2 living space, they have been living there since 2011 with their 4 children.

“Very quickly, we asked ourselves the question of electricity production. But all that was initially proposed to us concerned resale systems. That wasn’t what attracted us, we were more interested in self-consumption systems.”

Therefore, when they heard about DualSun panels, both photovoltaic for self-consumption and thermal for self-consumption, they were seduced. They therefore chose to consume their own electricity and to resell the surplus produced.

Go to our article on solar self-consumption


The orientation of the house is designed from the outset to be south-facing so that it can be heated passively, i.e. using the heat of the sun’s rays directly to heat the house. The walls of this bioclimatic house were built in hemp concrete around a wooden frame. Hemp concrete is a complex of natural materials that combines lime and hemp. This process is used to build insulating walls using natural materials.

Which inclination and orientation of the solar panel to choose?


Customer Testimonials

“Via DualSun I was put in touch with an installation company located in the next town over. It was also an important characteristic that contributed to our choice, the fact that it was local. In two days the installation was done “. 

With a year’s hindsight on the production, Vincent and his wife can establish their first impressions: “After a year of operation, we are almost energy self-sufficient on the electricity side. That’s the goal we had in mind when we installed these solar panels.” In order to optimise this self-consumption as much as possible, they try to consume at the same time as the hybrid panels produce, during the day. 

Today, Vincent and his wife recommend DualSun: “We have a complementarity with these panels that is consistent and completely corresponds to the philosophy we had for this house from the start.”

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Technical Information

CharacteristicsHouse for 6 people
Number of solar panels9 DualSun Hybrid Panels + 1 DualSun Flash Panel
Power output2,8kWc + 3,64kWth
Roof installationIn-Roof , south facing, 30° slope
Thermal systemWater tank of 400L
Photovoltaic systemEnlighteen micro inverters, self-consumption of electricity
Installation date

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