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10 DualSun panels for hot water and electricity for 4 people – France

10 DualSun panels for hot water and electricity for 4 people – France

Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Mayen’s house in the south of France, where a DualSun system of 10 panels was installed in April 2018.



“The price of electricity is going to increase, we have observed this trend over the past years, thus a solar installation has undoubtedly a financial advantage.”
When they first bought their house in 2006, Mr. and Mrs. Mayen were immediately interested in installing solar panels. Unfortunately, the couple were dealing with a fraudulent solar company and in the end, the project never happened.
Convinced that solar is the future, Mr. Mayen, who is a chemical engineer, “wanted to find a serious and local installer”. Their electric hot water tank needed to be changed and this event sparked a renewed interest in investing in solar… so 12 years later their solar vision was realized!



“In 2006, solar installations were very expensive but there was also a lot of government support. In 2018, for my project with DualSun, the financial investment was much different – I didn’t have to put a downpayment right away and moreover the overall price was much less than the propositions I had previously.”
For Mr. Mayen, it was thus logical and evident to go solar for environmental reasons and by a desire to be independent from fossil fuels. When Mr. Mayen talks to people around him about his solar installation: “People believe that renewable energies are great and all, but they don’t go solar because they do not trust installer companies. Solar in France remains quite undeveloped”, Mr. Mayen notes, “even though we do not have other alternatives! There is a lot of false information about solar, notably about the recycling of panels even though today we demonstrate that recycling is possible and is implemented!”
What convinced you to trust DualSun? “What reassured me was having French panels and a local company, with regards to both DualSun and the installer. Also, the founders of DualSun did the same engineering school as me and are located in my region! The concept of hybrid panels is simple and reliable. We are in a very sunny region and there should be more solar installed here.”
Mr. and Mrs. Mayen were extremely satisfied with the installer that DualSun put them in touch with, who installed the 10-panel system: “the installation went very smoothly, everything was well organized and fluid. The installer demonstrated professionalism but also a capacity to adapt and react.”

Technical Information

CharacteristicsFamily of 4 people
Number of solar panels4 DualSun hybrid panels + 6 DualSun photovoltaic panels
Power output2,8kWp + 1,62kWth
Roof installationOnroof mounting
Thermal system300L hot water tank with electric booster
Photovoltaic systemSolarEdge inverters, self-consumption of the electricity in the house, surplus is sent to the grid for a feed-in tariff
Installation date

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